There are plenty of places where one can get help in Singapore today. There are Community Development Councils (CDC), Family Service Centres (FSC), Social Service Offices (SSO), Self-Help Organisations (SINDA, Mendaki, CDAC, Eurasian Association etc.), Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWO), Legal Aid and other helping organisations. While we are constantly thankful for this, we also recognise and understand that it can get overwhelming and confusing when you have to decide which organisation is the most appropriate one for you to contact at any time.
At NuLife, we strive to provide you with any information you need about getting the right assistance from the right agency. We can even make an initial referral on your behalf, to get you started on your journey. If you do not feel confident about communicating with these organisations, NuLife can assist you to liaise with them. Please make an appointment with us to discuss how we can begin to help you.