U Matter, a key NuLife initiative since 2018, puts the spotlight on mental wellness and focuses on individuals suffering from depression, self-harm behaviour, suicide ideation and grief and loss. It highlights the need for increased emotional and mental literacy and an empathetic ecosystem that is sensitive and measured in its response to the hopelessness and despair that overwhelms those battling mental health issues. The need to recognise the crucial role mental health plays in an individual’s overall sense of well-being is vital – a significant number of people with mental health disorders continue to shy away from seeking professional guidance and help.

U Matter adopts a three-pronged approach that focuses on research, education & advocacy and non-clinical intervention in the form of counselling and casework support.

Research is critical to advocate the U Matter mission and is one of its key foundations. The NuLife research team comprises helping professionals, in-house and locum counsellors and NUS undergraduates who intern with us during their summer break. Research related to suicide ideation, depression, self-harm and grief and loss is on-going and continuously fine-tuned to keep pace with the latest developments in the field of mental health and wellness. NuLife welcomes those who are keen in actively contributing and participating in like-minded research efforts. You may write in to us at ccs@nulife.com.sg for further directions.


NuLife has been vested in public education and awareness and since the inauguration of the U Matter initiative has been executing a series of symposiums and talks aiming to accentuate the significance of mental wellness and highlighting the need for preservation through timely, compassionate and effective interventions.


The insights gained from research efforts and the discussions generated through our public education and advocacy endeavours has enabled NuLife to fine-tune the delivery of our psychosocial services and work on optimising counselling outcomes for the vulnerable community.

When it is darkest, we can see the stars.  – Ralph Waldo Emerson


NuLife has always faced the toughest challenges that plague our society head on and has never shied away from putting our resources, expertise and sheer resolve into tackling any issue that is considered taboo or inappropriate to talk about openly. NuLife has taken on the sticky, often ‘swept under the carpet’ issue of suicide- fully and unequivocally.


With a clear mission to create awareness and educate so as to dispel myths and misconceptions, we now provide a platform for all involved parties to come together to face the murky shadows and shed light on the issue.  We equip our clients with coping strategies to extricate themselves from the dark and heavy clouds of confusion and blame that surrounds the issue of suicide ideation and prevention. The silent alarm bell has been rung on this widely misunderstood and often undetectable malaise that assails young and old, regardless of race or status and, as with most things, NuLife is armed and ready to forge the way to help suicide prevention practitioners share and find support through a common goal, while seeking to reach out and save yet another potential victim out of the darkness and into the light.

Send us a message and we will answer ASAP
